Tuesday, May 20, 2008

School Days

Title: School Days
Alternate Title: none
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Psychological
Run time: 25 minutes
Episode count: 12
Vintage: 2007

I expected it to be your run of the mill Harem anime. This anime was dark and twisted and did so in just 12 episodes. It was wonderfully poetic. Its about a guy who doesn't know how to run with the girls if you catch my drift. So he gets set up by his friend and then this friend teaches how to make girls happy. Then she falls in love and he becomes a play boy. At the end it becomes horrible tragic and violent. I rate it a 9


Anonymous said...

School Days! Edo-sama watched that a week or so ago. I happened to see maybe an episode and a half somewhere in the middle. It really flowed like a soap opera, didn't it? That's what he couldn't get over. ..Besides the ending, of course. He felt disturbed by it..! :D

Unknown said...

yah it was quite the soap opera. I even remember saying this is worse than days of our lives. however it was very good and disturbing as hell