Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ninja Scroll the series

Title: Ninja Scroll the series
Alternate Title: Wind Ninja Chronicles [Dragon Stone Chapter]
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror,
Run time: 25 minutes
Episode count: 13
Vintage: 2003

I have to say its one of the greats and I can't believe it took me so long to get to watching it. I loved the theme and the fight sequences. However, the main ninja Jubei is kinda one sided on relying on a single technique. so because he wasn't versatile I'll have to dock him some points. The story line was great, the characters where phenomenal. They even did a good job of throwing some twists and making it hard to believe everything a character has to say. therefore I give them a 9.5. I don't usually give half points but Jubei relayed on one technique and i could only satisfy myself by docking half a point.

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