Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Silent Mobius the series

Title: Silent Mobius the series
Alternate Title: none
Genre: Sci-fi
Run time: 23 minutes
Episode count: 26
Vintage: 1998

So I first decided I wanted to see this anime when I caught a snip a few years a go on sci-fi tv. Well it didn't live up to what I expected. The ending pissed me off. Its completely open to a second season. Its like the writers got bored and gave up right before the real climax of the story. Other than that it was a decent anime. The plot was good however the story left a little to be desired. I think either they foreshadowed too much or the the twists and turns were just too predictable. However, they did do a good job of making interesting deep characters. Hopefully the plot is finished in the movie but for now I have to rate it a 7.

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