Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Shura No Toki

Title: Shura no Toki
Alternate Title: Mutsu Enmei Ryu Gaiden: Shura no Toki
Genre: Action
Run time: 24 minutes
Episode count: 26
Vintage: 2004-2006

Quite a nice series based on the mutsu enmei ryo style of combat. It basically tells the story of three generations of mutsu. The only thing I really didn't like is that you didn't get back story on each generation because the it was a one season series. I'd have like it if they did a series on one mutsu and include the training and not just a year or so of their life where they fight japans greatest swordsman. Overall I give it a 7 out 10 do to not developing a good back story and it lost 1 point because they jipped the animation in places.

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