Title: Tokyo Underground
Alternate Title: None
Genre: Action, Adventure
Run time: 24 minutes
Episode count: 26
Vintage: 2002
Tokyo Underground is an anime based on a group of people being taken underground and researched do to their ability of being able to control nature's elements. This anime was centered around a plot that could have been well done. However, it falls short. Its basically another boy saves girl with help of friends story mixed with a little bit of slap stick humor to keep the average consumer watching.
I expected good things out of this anime and it failed. With the story line it is written from it could have been a great serious or action adventure anime, but it comes off as a semi serious comedy when all is said and done. They even throw in the obligatory fight tournament like other series such as YuYu Hakusho and Flame of Recca. Even that is done poorly and shortly.
The animation is standard. There were no wow factors or anything innovative. They didnt even mix animation styles. This is your basic consumerism anime (make it fast, cheap and just enough fun for people to buy and forget everything else).
Now, they did do one thing right they made decent fight sequences that were interesting. They used elemental powers in unique ways and everyone had a special skill. This is the only thing they did even remotely well.
This anime is just too generic when it could have been so good if the writters and animators had put any effort into this at all. Because of this I rate them a 6 out of 10. Nothing great but it wasn't horrible. Just bland.
Next up: Texhnolyze
Sunday, June 29, 2008
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